Monday, November 19, 2012

The labyrinth behind the fog-curtain

Those are the moments when you are just keen to extend your rides over and over again. The planned 2.5 hour becomes 3 and then finally 4hours in the foggy, dense mist out there in the trees.
It’s cold and moisty, one would call it a literally depressive weather. We just think the opposite is true. After hitting the trail-head, there no such thing as second-guessing; we are literally feeling this urge to plummet deeper and deeper into the darkened, fog-curtain littered labyrinth of the forest. It’s enigmatic and in a way so mystic. There are barely any living souls out there, just the valiant breed of us seeking the edge and keen to find out the secret of this whole thing.
We and up in total darkness and our light-floods are barely able to penetrate the still solid haze.
That’s so gorgeous, so enigmatic. That makes us all the more infectious and wants to get back again.

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