Thursday, November 22, 2012

Check your business plan first

 "Give it a try and - God helps you as well" one of the most
 notoriously misused statements/sayings I hear next to every blessed
 day in my workplace . And it honestly bothers me up to certain degree.
 It should be plain and obvious that all of us are blessed with a broad
 array of talents and abilities, but many of us have accomplished less
 than we might have hoped for. There are lots of reasons, but one
 particular reason does stand out among those possessing a strong
 belief, and that is the inclination to voice/express our
 desires/wishes and then leave matters up to Him. I good peer of mine,
 for example, who prayed for an attractive post for 6 years and is
 surprised that he never got it. The same guy wouldn't think of
 starting a new enterprise without a business plan. Yet the fact is
 that across those 6 years he never once had a concrete plan for
 growing toward patience. I assume that praying without using our
 brains is mere wishing and not praying at all.

 I m certain that God wants to be my partner, but He doesn't provide
 limit service. We are supposed to meet Him half way (as we use to say
 that in business terms), and we do that by using to the fullest the
 "tools" He's given us. Then He will indeed give what is needed and
 fill in what is lacking.

 So check your "business plan" first and assure yourself that you've
 used everything that God put in your tool box. Then get back to him
 (pray). You'll be amazed at how God helps those who help themselves.

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